
Homage to DVF tunic

Cymraeg English
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A dyma fo. Eitha ples'd hefo fo deud y gwir. Mae'r v neck yn isel IAWN, felly dw i wedi ychwanegu snaps tu mewn er mwyn gallu ei wneud ychydig yn fwy gweddus! Ar agor i'r traeth, cau i ginio!

Mi fuodd yn rhaid i mi ail wneud y clymau ar y top - doedd y gwreiddiol ddim digon hir. Bellach mae'n nhw'n 30modfedd, ond dal ddim mor hir a'r gwreiddiol. Dw i hefyd wedi archebu beads pren i roi ar eu gwaelod.

Dydi'r siap ddim yn cynnwys cweit digon o drape a'r gwreiddiol, ac mae fy fersiwn i yn fwriadol hirach, a dw i wrth fy modd hefo'r canlyniad. Mae'n ddigon del i wisgo fel ffrog yn ogystal ac ar y traeth.

I'm quite pleased with the way it turned out. The V neck is VERY VERY low, so I've added a snap fastening, so that I can close it up a bit when not on the beach.

I had to redo the ties on the top, my first pair was too short, they are now 30 inches, although they still look shorter than the original. I have also ordered wooden beads which I'll add to finish them off.

The original has more drape on the sides I think, but the front is great. If I were to do this again, I would maybe lift the v up, and make the back piece narrower. I am very happy with my little experiment in pattern drafting from scratch, and think it looks nice enough not just to use on the beach, but to use as a summery dress too.

Beach tunic - DVF

Cymraeg English
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Dw i wrth fy modd hefo steil y tiwnic Diane Von Furstenberg yma o fan hyn http://www.net-a-porter.com/product/61629. Wrth gwrs print y defnydd sy'n ei wneud yn drawiadol, ond dw i hefyd yn hoff iawn o'r siap a'r ffordd mae'n gorwedd. Felly, dw i am geisio gopio'r cynllun.

Mi edryches i yn fras arlein am ddefnydd hefo border y gallwn i ddefnyddio, ond mae'r rhai dw i'n ei hoffi yn ddrud, ac o ystyried mai tiwnic i'r traeth fydd o, dw i ddim am wario llwyth ar hyn.

Felly, dyma chwilota yn y defnydd sydd gen i'n barod, ac mi ydw i rwan yn barod i drio drafftio'r patrwm o'r lluniau yn unig. Croeswch eich bysedd mod i'n ddigon craff i weithio fo allan!

I really love the style of this DVF beach tunic from http://www.net-a-porter.com/product/61629. Of course the impact of it is mainly because of the beautiful print. But I do also like the shape and styling. So I'm going to attempt to copy it.

I briefly had a look for border patterned jersey I could use, but didn't really want to spend a fortune on this. After all, it's a beach tunic - how much will I actually use it.

So it's destash time, and a chance to draft a pattern from just looking at this online from pictures. Wish me luck!


Pic / llun

Latest bikini!
Bicini diweddara!

Bikini sewing addiction - methu stopio gneud bikinis!

Cymraeg English
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Ol reit, dw i wedi mynd dros ben llestri! Gan bod hi’n cymryd cyn lleied o ddefnydd I wneud bikinis, ac er mwyn defnyddio pob sgrapyn oedd gen i. Mae gen I rwan 2 waelod (un string bikini, un hefo bandyn arno fo. Dau dop – un bandeau syml, ac un triongl, a’r sarong!!! Ac mae un set yn gallu cael ei droi chwith allan, a’r llall yn defnyddio’r ddau ddefnydd hefo’i gilydd yn y cynllun.

Mae mor hawdd gneud rhain, ac mor sydyn. Rwan mae gen i “capsule wardrobe” i fynd ar wyliau!
Sgwn i os oes angen kaftan i gydfynd hefo nhw?

OK OK I admit, I’ve gone overboard! Because it takes so little fabric to knock these babies up, and because I wanted to use up every scrap I had… I now have 2 bottoms – one string, one banded bottom. I also have two tops – the triangle I made before, and a very very simple bandeau top to maximize the tanning possibilities, and a sarong!!! One set is reversible, and the other uses both fabrics, so there you go a perfect capsule wardrobe for the beach.

It’s so easy to do, and so so quick…maybe I need some kind of kaftan to go with!!?



Cymraeg English
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Ar gyfer fy mis mel, mi brynes i ficini oedd yn ffitio'n wych, ond erbyn hyn mae'r lastig wedi dechrau dirywio a phydru, felly dyma fynd ati i gopio'r siap a'r patrwm!

Roedd y gwreiddiol yn 'reversible' - mewn lliwiau pinc ac oren - streips un ochr, blodaur ochr draw. Mi wnes i archebu dau ddefnydd oedd yn cyd-fynd o wefan fabricland.co.uk heb eu gweld ar wahan i ar sgrin. Pan gyrhaeddon nhw, doeddwn i wir ddim yn siwr am y defnydd "llewpart" gwyrdd llachar... ond hei ho, trio patrwm allan o'n i ac felly, arbrawf oedd hwn am fod.

Roedd copio'r siap gwreiddiol yn weddol hawdd, ac mi wnes i'r cyfan ar y peiriant gwnio tro yma nid ar yr serger / overlocker. Dw i ddim wedi llwyddo i gael tensiwn y lastig yn berffaith dwi ddim yn credu, ond mae o dal i eistedd yn iawn ar y corff. Dw i'n credu bod rhaid i'r tensiwn fod yn weddol slac, ond mymryn yn dynn- dim digon tynn i wneud i'r defnydd ryfflo fel sydd gen i.

Tydw i ddim mor hapus hefo'r gwaelod - mi wnes i gawlach o'r strap / lastig, ond mae'n iawn pan mae'n cael ei wisgo. Dydi o ddim digon taclus, a dw i'n bwriadu cael ail dro ar wneud ail bar o waelodion.

Roedd gen i ddigon o ddefnydd ar ol (roedd gen i 1m o bob un) i wneud sarong, gan ddefnyddio ryffl o'r llewpart, a prif ddarn o'r patrwm blodeuog.

Defnydd - defnyddo lycra / nofio o fabricland.co.uk

Dw i'n hapus iawn hefo'r canlyniad, ac yn bwriadu gwisgo'r bikini ar wyliau'n fuan. Dw i hefyd wedi archebu mwy o ddefnydd - mewn du a polca dua gwyn tro yma er mwyn cael set ychydig yn llai LLACHAR!

Diolch i Sigrid am y dull dwyieithog yma.

For my honeymoon, I bought a beautiful reversible bikini which was a great fit (fuller bust) but I was really sad that the elastic was now disintegrating, and rotting. As I couldn’t find anything that came close to what I wanted in terms of the versaitility of a reversible bikini, I decided my next sewing project was to recreate / copy this!

I loved the fact that the original was reversible – talk about capsule wardrobe. It was stripy pink / orange one side, and pink / orange flowers the other. So I found two swimsuit fabrics that were the same kind of colours in fabricland.co.uk, and ordered online. When the arrived I was a little bit disappointed in the kind of leopard print – it was a bit brighter that I imagined it to be, but this was all a bit of an experiment, so I cracked on with it.

I traced the top and bottom, made straps, and placed the elastic in the pieces – took hardly any time at all. The longest part was accurately copying the pattern of the original.

I did this all on the sewing machine rather than serger / overlocker. I felt I had more control this way. I haven’t managed to get the tension right on the elastic, as it was all a bit of a trial. But when you’re wearing it, it doesn’t matter, so I’m not going to worry too much about it. Ideally I think they should have about 3% tension – hardly enough to distort the fabric, but enough to hold taut. (My effort is slightly too taught)

I’m not as happy with the bottoms, I messed up the straps, and it looks a bit messy, so I’m going to have another crack at it. But the one I’ve done is completely wearable, and I am planning to use it. It’s just not quite neat enough, and I KNOW I can do better.

I ordered 1m of each fabric, and I had lots left over – so I made a sarong out of the flowery fabric, and a finished it with a ruffle of the leopard print at the bottom.

Fabric - lycra /swimsuit from fabricland.co.uk

I LOVE it! And I’m definitely going to wear this. I’ve now ordered two more fabrics – black /white polka, and plain black to make another, less bright, more sophisticated version of the same bikini.

Thank you Sigrid for this bilingual method.