
I have decided to try wordpress, and have separate blogs in English and Welsh.
Join me there!
Edrych 'mlaen i'ch gweld chi.



Cymraeg English
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1. Gabardine ar gyfer côt law goch. (McCall's 5525). O Abakhan

2. Jersey. Dim syniad eto ne wna i hefo fo. Top falle.

3. Jersey ar gyfer ffrog Vogue V1179.

4. Print Animal Coch - jersey ar gyfer ffrog. (Simplicity 3503 fersiwn F heb liw gwahanol rownd y canol, du o amgylch y goler). O Ditto Fabric

5. Defnydd jersey hyfryd ar gyfer ffrog (v1179 eto). Ar ganol gwnio hon.

1. Gabardine for red trench coat. (McCall's 5525). Bought from Abakhan

2. Jersey bought on impulse for t shirt

3. Jersey for Vogue V1179 dress.

4. Animal print jersey for dress (Simplicity 3503 view F without contrast waistband, and black neckband). From Ditto Fabric

5. Beautiful drapey jersey fabric for dress (v1179 again). This one is in progress now.



Cymraeg English

(Please tick the language you need and uncheck the other.)

Dw i wrth fy modd hefo'r gôt goch a'r ffrog yma ar Jilly o raglen Torchwood y BBC! Felly nesa ar y rhestr wnïo... Côt law goch!

Mae'n edrych yn anoddach na dim dw i wedi'i wneud yn y gorffennol... Cawn weld!

Yn ôl y cynllunydd ar twitter - @trpcic prynu'r gôt o Guess 10 mis yn ôl wnaeth hi, a'i dynnu mewn i'w addasu i'r actores.

Diolch i Sigrid am y dull dwyieithog yma.

I love this look from BBC's Torchwood - especially the coat and dress. So next on my sewing table will be... A bright red trench coat!

I have never tried something that looks this complicated before. Wish me luck!

Out of interest I tweeted the costume designer and the coat is from Guess about 10 months ago (with alterations for the actress). On Twitter she's @trpcic

Thank you Sigrid for this bilingual method.


Homage to DVF tunic

Cymraeg English
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A dyma fo. Eitha ples'd hefo fo deud y gwir. Mae'r v neck yn isel IAWN, felly dw i wedi ychwanegu snaps tu mewn er mwyn gallu ei wneud ychydig yn fwy gweddus! Ar agor i'r traeth, cau i ginio!

Mi fuodd yn rhaid i mi ail wneud y clymau ar y top - doedd y gwreiddiol ddim digon hir. Bellach mae'n nhw'n 30modfedd, ond dal ddim mor hir a'r gwreiddiol. Dw i hefyd wedi archebu beads pren i roi ar eu gwaelod.

Dydi'r siap ddim yn cynnwys cweit digon o drape a'r gwreiddiol, ac mae fy fersiwn i yn fwriadol hirach, a dw i wrth fy modd hefo'r canlyniad. Mae'n ddigon del i wisgo fel ffrog yn ogystal ac ar y traeth.

I'm quite pleased with the way it turned out. The V neck is VERY VERY low, so I've added a snap fastening, so that I can close it up a bit when not on the beach.

I had to redo the ties on the top, my first pair was too short, they are now 30 inches, although they still look shorter than the original. I have also ordered wooden beads which I'll add to finish them off.

The original has more drape on the sides I think, but the front is great. If I were to do this again, I would maybe lift the v up, and make the back piece narrower. I am very happy with my little experiment in pattern drafting from scratch, and think it looks nice enough not just to use on the beach, but to use as a summery dress too.

Beach tunic - DVF

Cymraeg English
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Dw i wrth fy modd hefo steil y tiwnic Diane Von Furstenberg yma o fan hyn http://www.net-a-porter.com/product/61629. Wrth gwrs print y defnydd sy'n ei wneud yn drawiadol, ond dw i hefyd yn hoff iawn o'r siap a'r ffordd mae'n gorwedd. Felly, dw i am geisio gopio'r cynllun.

Mi edryches i yn fras arlein am ddefnydd hefo border y gallwn i ddefnyddio, ond mae'r rhai dw i'n ei hoffi yn ddrud, ac o ystyried mai tiwnic i'r traeth fydd o, dw i ddim am wario llwyth ar hyn.

Felly, dyma chwilota yn y defnydd sydd gen i'n barod, ac mi ydw i rwan yn barod i drio drafftio'r patrwm o'r lluniau yn unig. Croeswch eich bysedd mod i'n ddigon craff i weithio fo allan!

I really love the style of this DVF beach tunic from http://www.net-a-porter.com/product/61629. Of course the impact of it is mainly because of the beautiful print. But I do also like the shape and styling. So I'm going to attempt to copy it.

I briefly had a look for border patterned jersey I could use, but didn't really want to spend a fortune on this. After all, it's a beach tunic - how much will I actually use it.

So it's destash time, and a chance to draft a pattern from just looking at this online from pictures. Wish me luck!


Pic / llun

Latest bikini!
Bicini diweddara!

Bikini sewing addiction - methu stopio gneud bikinis!

Cymraeg English
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Ol reit, dw i wedi mynd dros ben llestri! Gan bod hi’n cymryd cyn lleied o ddefnydd I wneud bikinis, ac er mwyn defnyddio pob sgrapyn oedd gen i. Mae gen I rwan 2 waelod (un string bikini, un hefo bandyn arno fo. Dau dop – un bandeau syml, ac un triongl, a’r sarong!!! Ac mae un set yn gallu cael ei droi chwith allan, a’r llall yn defnyddio’r ddau ddefnydd hefo’i gilydd yn y cynllun.

Mae mor hawdd gneud rhain, ac mor sydyn. Rwan mae gen i “capsule wardrobe” i fynd ar wyliau!
Sgwn i os oes angen kaftan i gydfynd hefo nhw?

OK OK I admit, I’ve gone overboard! Because it takes so little fabric to knock these babies up, and because I wanted to use up every scrap I had… I now have 2 bottoms – one string, one banded bottom. I also have two tops – the triangle I made before, and a very very simple bandeau top to maximize the tanning possibilities, and a sarong!!! One set is reversible, and the other uses both fabrics, so there you go a perfect capsule wardrobe for the beach.

It’s so easy to do, and so so quick…maybe I need some kind of kaftan to go with!!?